Friday, June 13, 2014

Seen From Baker Lake

The weather cleared up nicely so we went out for a paddle on Baker Lake.

BJ and Turk took the Swifty and I took the solo canoe.

It didn’t take long to realize that Mt. Baker was out, just hiding some details behind small clouds.

We spotted an eagle in the top of a tree, keeping an eye out on his kingdom.

And got around the corner far enough to get a partial view of Mt. Shuksan.

Turk eventually got bored enough that he lay down to take a nap as we returned toward the Swift Creek campground.

When we turned the corner into the mouth of Swift Creek we realized that a different view of Mt. Baker was available up the drainage,

and we could spot our Scamp hiding in the trees. Maybe if we had a long painter’s pole and a mirror, we’d have a view of Mt. Baker from our campsite.


  1. The scenery is gorgeous. Sure is nice to get the view from the water.

    And it is so good to see little Turk out enjoying himself!

    Love the photo of the Scamp peeking out of the greenery.

    1. It was really nice to have a sunny, calm day to go paddling. The Mt. Baker views required a boat - the trees were too big from other vantage points.
