
Friday, April 25, 2014


Mom - Easter 1948 at Deception Pass
We celebrated Mom's 85th birthday in January. She wasn't as spry as she had been last summer, but was still getting around well and enjoying her family and friends. When I heard in early February that I would be able to go on a month long river trip in March, there was no need for concern, but when I got off the river I had a voice mail from her asking that I change our summer schedule to come visit sooner than planned.

Conversations with her and my sister indicated that visiting sooner would be wise, but even that wasn't as soon as it should have been. She took to her bed on Sunday, the week before Easter and passed away early that Thursday morning.

While the blog posts about the Grand Canyon trip kept automatically posting, I had a sad but wonderful week with my siblings, their spouses, and our extended family at Glory Farm as we took care of Mom's affairs and then took her for her last ride through the Tulip fields in the valley she loved so much.

We even had time to drive out to Deception Pass where my niece stood in for a current photo. While we're sad, we're also confident that Mom celebrated Easter in Heaven this year. Meanwhile, life goes on.

Mom and Dad raised four kids that count our blessings, and are thankful for our heritage and for our friends and family. We are truly blessed.


  1. so sorry for your loss....Im happy for you that you know in your heart shes at peace.

  2. So sorry to read of your loss. You could feel the love in your post. No words can take away the pain I'm sure you're feeling at present, but time will ease it. The photo was a great tribute.,,,,jc

    1. Thanks, Jerry. We knew her time was short, just didn't know how short.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss, John. Based on the photos and things you have posted about her, she was a wonderful Mom.

    I am so glad you know where she is, and that you will be together again someday. God bless. :)

    1. Thanks, Sharon. She was a wonderful Mom who cared deeply about the people around her.

  4. It is so hard to let go of our parents. I am sorry that your heart aches, but to be able to know that she spent Easter with God....wonderful. I look forward to that day.

    1. Thanks, Nan. It actually makes Easter even more special.

  5. John, I read this post days ago and tried my best to respond but the internet in the mountains prohibited a timely comment. Very sorry to hear of your loss. You have an incredibly loving family (so it seems from your words) and are blessed with many wonderful memories. Been thinking of you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Lynne. We are blessed with wonderful memories! I've been thinking of you and all our other friends in the southeast, trusting that you'll be safe from the severe weather.
