
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 25 - 279 Mile Camp to Pearce Ferry Ramp

It was the last night on the river and I stayed in my sleeping bag until someone else fired up the blaster for hot water. People were sacked out all over the place, including the kitchen.

There were quite a few on the boats again last night.

Possibly the last time that these three boats will be on the water together.

I couldn't resist a selfie to see how scruffy I was after 24 nights on the river.

It was only a mile and a half to the take-out at the new Pearce Ferry ramp. Family and friends were there to greet us.

The crew from Moenkopi Riverworks was there to collect their rental rafts and equipment. All the frames and hatches came off the rafts, the rafts were washed, and eventually deflated and rolled up for return to Flagstaff.

Speaking of deflated - I think quite a few of us, although looking forward to seeing family and friends, were deflated to leave the river after a wonderful trip.

I'm very thankful that I had the opportunity to join the group and experience the canyon from the inside. I was privileged to team up with a delightful raft captain who shared her knowledge and experience with me. The trip was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.


  1. Well done - well documented my good friend and fellow river rat, John.
    "Let's do it again....." please.
