
Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's Up?

It's been a hectic month since the Grand Canyon trip finished and some of us are already dreaming of doing it again. We've made lots of progress on Kathy's kayak and I'll start reporting on that process any day now. With it starting to push the 100 degree mark in the Phoenix area, it's time for us to head to cooler climates.

I'm scheduled for jury duty on Monday and fighting the first cold I've had in about 3 years. Once we get those both out of the way and some work done on the truck, we'll be loading the Scamp and heading to Washington and Oregon for a while. Hope to enjoy time and another project at Glory Farm, hang out at some of my childhood camping spots, spend time with family, enjoy the Oregon Gathering and a family reunion in July, and then head back to the heat.

Plans are very loose - all I know is that I want to stop by Spokane early in the trip and we have fixed dates for the Oregon Gathering in Bandon in mid-July and family reunion in Mt. Vernon in late July.

I'm toying with the possibility of a northbound route through Nevada if the temperatures are reasonable. I've thought about Grand Teton and/or Yellowstone but doubt we'll go that far east this time. US 395 in California is another option. Maybe we'll just use darts on the map!


  1. As you know, you are always welcome here at home...where the projects never end.

    1. I'm looking forward to it, just need to figure out when. I'm going to start studying maps this afternoon.
