
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mobley Success

The Mobley device that I ordered last week showed up less than 48 hours after I ordered it online, complete with a phone number to call to activate it. I called the number and was bounced from one person to a second one who informed me that the sim card in the device was defective and that I'd need to take the Mobley to an AT&T store (store number two from the previous post) to get the sim changed. I was fortunate enough to get the same fellow that had been able to find information on my desired plan when I was there before. He quickly had a new sim in the device and had it fired up. Added the Connected Car Unlimited Data Plan (standalone) to my account and I was out the door within 15 minutes.

Yes, it was a bunch of hoop jumping, but yes, I'm very pleased with the Mobley. Good (not great - it's a generation behind) performance and another data source to spread out our load.


  1. It would be nice if they were the tester rather than their customer!

  2. Very interesting how does this work?

    1. It plugs into the vehicle's On Board Diagnostic Port for its power source and creates a WiFi hotspot for up to 5 devices. I have this one set to stay on for an hour after the truck is turned off.

  3. Hi, John,

    Thanks for the info. I'm considering this as an option as well. I am sure you saw where there is an adapter available through Amazon that will allow you to plug into power outside of the dash option, right?
