
Wednesday, April 13, 2016


While I was in Lee's Ferry a few weeks back, BJ was busy with a project she dreamed up for the Scamp. We've gone through a couple versions of signs for the Scamp that we use when attending molded fiberglass trailer gatherings. She has a neat idea for a fabric sign.

She was starting on the border of the sign when I got home so there aren't any pictures of the creation of the actual picture.

I love the way she incorporated southwest into the framework as well as the picture.

When she showed it to me this time, I thought it was essentially done, but no...

The sign was finished off with a binding and hanging loops using more of the green material.

We had to go out and test the fit. It hangs nicely on the same cup hooks that hosted our version two sign, but this one looks MUCH better and it will store better, too.

Now all we need to do is figure out how to get the trailer out of the garage and on the road to the Northern Oregon Gathering (NOG) someday soon.

When we attended the NOG a couple years ago, they asked us to bring sunshine, which we did. Now I'm hoping that they'll consider turnabout fair play and provide the sunshine for us!


  1. Looks great. Hope to see it in person someplace this coming year.

  2. Just signed up for emails. Was interested in the 19' Scamp. Would you buy another? Thanks

    1. Dale - The short answer is yes. The long answer needs an e-mail conversation. My e-mail address is on my Google Profile header.
