
Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Part's Done

I managed to make the job last at least six weeks, but I've finally got my part done. Now my favorite library clerk is figuring out which books to put back on the overflowing shelves.

There are stacks of books everywhere,

and hopefully many of them will be traded off to Changing Hands, leaving a place for other titles.

The canyon books will stick around, but the house design books are headed out. It's time to cross that dream off the list.

I don't know what we'll do with the collection of Beverly Gray books from my mother's childhood. Maybe one of my siblings wants them on their shelf.

It's a slow process deciding what goes where and what's worth saving, but she's doing a great job.

Meanwhile, I've got my nose stuck in my favorite website, looking for someplace to go that isn't as hot as it is here. I've got two weeks open in my schedule before I need to be back for a couple more Rebuilding Together commitments. After that we'll head to Alaska for a couple weeks to install a solar system in our son's travel trailer. (After all, if I can stretch a paint job for six weeks, I ought to be able to make a solar install last a couple weeks easy.)


  1. I see we like some of the same books. We donated many dozens of the National Geographic books from the seventies, eighties, and early nineties to the local library when we moved a few years ago. Grisham and others make a pretty good read, also. Hope you have a nice "little" vacation.

    1. I'm looking forward to it. Combs Wash, Butler Wash, Mule Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon, and Calf Creek Falls are calling me ...

  2. You do good work! ;-) I really like the color.

    Looking forward to seeing where you heed the call...

    1. Leaving Sunday for Cedar Mesa, then Horseshoe, but not sure yet which way home from there. Tough choices!

    2. Find me some good spots for next fall, please!
