
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flip It!

We apparently raised some eyebrows with the last picture in my previous post. More than one person called Helen shortly after the post was published with "don't you know motors aren't allowed in the Canyon in March?" questions. If it were my boat and it wasn't a potential danger to a backseater, I'd be tempted to mount it permanently, as a conversation piece.

I think this is about as clean as she's been. I finished up some details with some of the hatches while Tony built some special sawhorses.

Up to this point, we've had the boat mounted on a pair of engine stands which has allowed us to rotate it as needs be. Now the attach points for the "flipper" need to be removed and it would be nice if the boat was a bit lower for the next step so two special sawhorses were constructed. The other one picks up the intersection of the back seat and rear bulkhead.

It pays to have a neighbor with a couple 4x4 laying by the fence. One temporarily became part of the lift system.

Once the boat was settled on the sawhorses, the bow and stern posts were faired, and I started marking the location of the various pieces of fiberglass that would coat the exterior of the boat. It's certainly easier to mark when you know the boat is not going to be clear finish like mine normally are.

We finished up the day by filling any screw heads or other marks.

This boat is using a fiberglass fabric that is much thicker / heavier than I normally use. Most of my boats use 4 oz fiberglass fabric (right), and occasionally I'll use 6 oz (center) if I think the boat will see some abuse. This boat is using multiple layers of much thicker and stronger 17 oz biaxial fabric.

We trimmed the four pieces that would make up the covering for the bottom of the boat and rolled them before we mixed up any resin.

The first piece is in place, ready for the resin. It's approaching 11 a.m. ...

Tony mixed batches of resin and other prep stuff while I applied the resin.

Six hours, 30 minutes later, we had four pieces on the hull as well as pieces on the bow and stern posts. So much for hoping that we might get the sides glassed today as well, or lunch for that matter!

Tony finished up the day by scarfing some wood for the chine rub rails while I worked on fabricating some parts for the safety rope retention system. Think glorified padeyes.

It's been another long day but I'm seeing my time on this one winding down. I've got another smaller boat project to help with as soon as I'm done here.


  1. You had me wondering. I was trying to think of what type propulsion system would work in a dory. Looking better and better.

    1. It was feeling like a very early April day when I did that post. :-)

  2. Mix the old with some new. Go for the magneto hydrodynamic drive.
