
Monday, December 31, 2012

Maps, Maps, and more Maps

I've had my head stuck in maps for the past couple weeks. With the New Year and retirement, there are lots of places I'd like to visit.

In the very short term, the map of interest covers the area between Key West, Mexico, and south Texas. Our son surprised us with the opportunity to join his family and his sister on a cruise with Mickey in the very near future.

Starting with the MLK weekend, it is looking like more than three weeks on or near various sections of the Colorado river between Hoover dam and Yuma as well as some time with friends in Quartzsite. Part of the river time will be quiet solo time where I can continue studying options for the anticipated summer trip to Alaska.

In spite of all the maps, books, and advice, we recognize that no matter how much planning we do, we don't control the future. My hope for this new year is that our lives will reflect Christ's love to those around us and that our decisions will be consistent with His will for our lives.

I trust that the New Year will be a happy one for each of you.