
Friday, June 22, 2012

Another step

towards getting our act together for retirement, or as BJ calls it – sabbatical.  For a number of years we’ve used a desktop computer for personal stuff, and the college provided a laptop for business use.  Since we knew we were going to need a personal laptop, I’ve been watching for the right deal.  Sure wasn’t expecting that today would be the day, but stopped by a local store today just to see what they had in stock.  Turns out they had a 40% off sale on a machine that would do very nicely so I’ve spend most of the day getting it configured and getting some software installed.  As usual it will take a while to get it all sorted out, but it’s a step in the right direction!

Snaps Landing Gear Pin
Snaps Pin
I did pick up hardware at the local RV Supply for yet another upgrade on the Scamp.  A set of Snaps pins for the landing gear means cleaner hands when adjusting the landing gear legs.  Since the trailer is stored in the garage on jack stands so there isn’t pressure on the dollies, it took longer to open the package than it did to install the Snap pins.


  1. Congrats on the laptop. If it happens to be 12V friendly that'd be a bonus. If not, a DC-DC adapter would avoid inverter need dry camping.

    Neat snap pins.
