
Saturday, January 5, 2019


Typically, I wander the desert in a solitary fashion or with BJ, but recently we've been asked to join with a group of friends to visit some rarely visited places. Thanks to limited parking, we teamed up which gave me a chance to watch as we navigated an old road.

Six of us gathered on the first trip.

We wandered past the cactus and the trees, brushing past the brittle bush as we searched for the clearest route to navigate.

Eventually we reached a point where we could see a bridge far below,

and the goal of our search was found. As we backtracked to the vehicles, we all agreed that we should do that again.

A couple weeks later found us peering under bushes - once again successfully locating the object of our wandering.

It's been lots of fun doing some geocaching with friends.

It's the time of year that friends from far and wide start to gather in the Southwest. We're heading to Death Valley for a few days before spending time in Quartzsite and Yuma. We'll be back in town just in time to head to San Diego for a few days watching our grandson pay hockey. It's going to be fun seeing friends we don't see often!


  1. Alabama Hills are in our plans. Close to Death Valley, I hear.

    1. I doubt we'll get that far. Temps in Death Valley look to be cooler than we would prefer, say nothing about the higher elevations.
