
Saturday, August 20, 2016

International Geocaching Day

Between the file conversion project I've been working on, some caches I've been building, and the hot weather, we haven't been out to do much geocaching the past couple weeks. Since today is International Geocaching Day, it seemed only appropriate that we get out and do a bit of geocaching.

While we were in the Northwest, a local geocacher put out a series of caches honoring her grandchildren. I'd done a few of them as quick finds, but still had 8 of them on the County Line Trail that I hadn't logged yet. They became our target for the day.

The weather guessers suggested that it might be a bit cooler today, but we still decided to get an early start. When we left the house at 6:15 it was very cloudy with the sun trying to break through.

Some might have said it looked like rain, but we bet on improving weather. 'Sides that, a hike in the rain could be nice at these temps.

By the time we had logged three or four, the clouds were breaking up,

and the bikes were hitting the trail. We'd started at the north end of the majority of the series (there's one more outlier in the National Forest further north), paid our daily access fee and started down the trail. Most of the bike traffic was going downhill as well.

It turned out to be a beautiful morning. Comfortably warm, but not hot. Made for a great time to wander a trail that neither of us had been on before.

The caches all varied in size and shape, but most contained a few trinkets. They were nicely camo'd and some were quite challenging to find, even when you were looking at them.

Nice job, Nana18. It was a very nice series and it sounds like you have a great bunch of grandkids.

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