
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Do I Detect Some Toe Tapping?

When I got home from my cool Colorado trip, BJ proudly announced that she had all the packing done for her "girls" river trip - a trip that doesn't launch until early October! She was also nearly done packing the food for our trip that precedes the "girls" trip. This time, we're using a small, almost 4 gallon, drum for food instead of putting it in a dry bag.

Usually, we've done meals with dry and canned foods from the grocery. This year, we're using freeze dried for about half of the main meals, just to make it easier.

The most important package is the survival package. This zipper case has been with us for several years, holding all the lunch stuff, which BJ jealously guards in her front hatch. By mid day, it seems appropriately named.

It's always amazing what sort of stuff she'll pull out of this. Always a surprise, and we're sure never going to go hungry. Now the trick is to keep the dog out of it, until we actually load up and head north for our trip.

This year there are six of us going, and we're taking longer to do just one section. Looking forward to even more time for exploration.


  1. What may be "toe-tapping" on your end is "nail-biting" on this end. ;-)

    1. I still remember my first trip on this section, 15 years ago. I covered the nervousness with excessive planning. I've learned that as long as you bring enough TP and a tent that doesn't leak, all of the rest will fall into place.

  2. I seem to be covering nervousness with procrastination and that other river called "de Nile" that I've got less than two weeks! Though with my Crested Butte to Aspen hike now behind me, it's time to get serious! I've got the TP covered, at least. ;-)

    1. That sounds like some great fodder for stories around camp! Looking forward to hearing about the hike.
