
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hiding in the Secret City

With a clue from Campendium, I found a different spot on Forest Service land about 700' above town to call home for the next week or so. I knew I wanted to visit the History and the Science Museums while I'm here, but I've discovered the area is riddled with trails, so I suspect there will be some hiking as well.

I guess if I can see them, maybe they can see me too? This spot has a lot to make it special. It's only about 100 yards from a hard surface road, but very nearly out of sight from the road. There are only two or three cars that drive past on the gravel road each day, and there isn't any room for other rigs within view. The effort to get here likely precludes a lot of people from trying.

Of course, it did take a bit of extra effort to get the rig leveled, and anything much bigger might have a challenge getting turned around, but the view and relatively easy access to town is worth it.

Even at night, the view is pretty special.  The dead tree shows up even more at night!

I discovered there was a practical reason for the escape hatch in the roof. It's for taking pictures without the window screen in the way!
The place isn't so secret anymore - not when you label the water tower!

But it still has some strange vibes to it. In some ways it reminds me of a college town, but then there are the reminds that things could be different. I pass through this gate with the grass growing up around it on the way to camp from town. It closes off access to the only road west.

I've seen these signs in several places, but have aways been reluctant to stop and take a careful picture.

In spite of the signs, you don't see obvious signs of security in the community. I suppose that could change at a moment's notice. I did have a city police pickup drive slowly past my camp one evening, but then the road precludes driving fast.


  1. Thanks for sharing John.
    Coincidentally, I just learned of Campendium earlier this week and will add it to our resources list.
