
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Boxing Day

On the 26th I decided we should observe Boxing Day. Seemed as good an excuse as any to meet some friends I hadn't met before. And besides, Turk needed some windshield time and a loop trip seemed the potential cure.

We started out by crossing the Salt River to get to the other side, and to visit some folks who are exploring Life's Little Adventures. We'd been criss-crossing Jim & Gayle's trail for a good part of the summer, and then I just missed them in Zion last month. Gayle had commented about BJ's Christmas cookies so we started the trip by taking them some cookies and a bag of fresh citrus. I didn't get a picture of their site, but did get a later picture of part of their view.

We drove north on the Beeline to Jake's Corner and hung a hard right. I don't think I'd been down this section of road since my great uncle, who lived in Sleepy Hollow, passed away. We started looking for a very well known RV blogger that we knew was staying in one of the campgrounds near Lake Roosevelt. We crossed back over the Salt River driving through every open loop of the mostly empty campgrounds.

The sun was rapidly disappearing and the campgrounds were already in shadows when we finally spotted the target. It was really nice to say Merry Christmas and share some cookies and fresh citrus with her before before our refrigerator managed to eat all the cookies.

Turk enjoyed the road trip and we got to put faces to bloggers that we've only known online. Maybe the Brits really had a good idea with this Boxing Day thing.


  1. Hi, John,

    Nice meeting you and B.J. at our camp the other day! Thanks for the fruit and cookies. B.J. is an excellent baker, which you already know... It was my pleasure to further reduce your inventory.

    Best wishes for 2015!


    1. So glad we found you. Thanks for helping with the cookie inventory!

  2. We really enjoyed meeting you both, and Turk! The cookies didn't last too long at our house. Understand why they were disappearing from your refrigerator.

    1. I think it's something in the recipe - they just seem to vanish! So glad to finally meet you & hope we cross paths again.

  3. My folks camped in a Scamp about that size. They said it was perfect for them, not too big and had everything they needed. Glad you found the famous RV blogger! (PS: I'm here from her site.)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Dawn. The Scamp has served us well - lots bigger than our backpacking tents, but just small enough to (barely) fit in the garage.
