
Monday, October 20, 2014

Green River Summary

Alan used RunKeeper on his iPhone to keep a GPS track of our travels.

53 miles by van to Ruby Ranch from Moab; 99 river miles paddling & drifting; 50 miles by jet boat up the Colorado; 20 miles by bus back to Tex's in Moab; the whole experience - priceless!

Once the boats were loaded at Tex's the group split up with Ian & Beth headed to Salt Lake City and points northwest. The rest of us headed to the Red Rock Lodge for hot showers and then went out for our last supper as a group. It was nice to have Kelli & Bryan join us.

The next morning, John headed towards family in Colorado and Alan drove out to Canyonlands for one last look before heading back to his family and job in the Salt Lake City area. The rest of us got some breakfast at the Moab Diner and then headed out for the long drive home.

I spotted Bluff, Utah's new signs on our way north and stopped to get a picture on our way south. It's not every American town that can claim to be established in 650 A.D.

There are some beautiful ruins and petroglyph panels on the San Juan river in this area.

We stopped by the BLM Sand Island campground and boat ramp to show Kathy the large petroglyph panel there. (Turn right as you enter the campground.) It's a huge panel with lots of different markings, sometimes layers of them. The campground has 24 spaces, $10, no reservations.

I'm especially enamored with this one. Not sure if it represents a really strong person portaging three canoes or if it's a boondocking blogger looking for a better cell signal.

Once again, Monument Valley tantalizes us. We really do need to come back and spend some time there.

The Cameron Trading Post usually times out about right for a lunch stop on our return trip.

A couple folks shared a Navajo taco. I went for the excellent green chili stew that comes with a side of fry bread. Didn't get a picture - I was hungry!

A lineup of dry bags cleaned and on the line to dry signifies the end of this trip. Not sure where we'll be off to next.

A big thanks to the crew at Tex's Riverways in Moab who did such a great job with the shuttles, and to our friends both new and old who made the trip so memorable.


  1. You lucky lucky guy. Enjoyed following your trip again.

    1. Thanks! You can see why we look forward to our annual Green River sojourns.
