
Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're Early According to the Calendar

We showed up at the Dome Rock boondocking area in Quartzsite around noon yesterday for the Gathering that officially starts on Friday. Looks like we were about the 28th to arrive -- some have been here for several days already. Lynne saved us a great spot with a beautiful view, even if we could see Phil & Catherine from our back window. If we could see the other direction, we'd see Glenda and Jeff's rig. Sorta blogger's row around here!

We were entertained by a tandem paramotor flying around as we approached sunset. Some of the colors were reflected off of the mountains to the east.

This morning, we decided to walk as far up Dome Rock as Turk would let us. I was hoping to get to the upper mine site but stopped after visiting the lower mine site. Maybe we'll go back tomorrow without the dog.

Part way up the hill we found the source of the paramotor. A couple from Maine haul the rig in their toy hauler and fly where ever the scenery entices them.

From the lower mine site we had a view back towards the gathering and Quartzsite in the distance. The trailers have scattered out more this year with fiberglass trailers spanning from one edge of the picture to the other. There are a few other stick-built trailers in the midst and a pair of fiberglass pickup campers.

The early mix of brands is interesting. Obviously lots of Casitas and a notable number of BigFoot (BigFeet??) trailers. There are 3 Scamp 19s here - all the deluxe version, but only one other Scamp so far. There are several Escapes here already. So far there are no 13 footers of any brand, and none of the older brands like Burro or U-Haul. It will be interesting to see what shows up in the next couple days.


  1. Pat built one of those power parachutes, he misses it still! He'll love this.

    1. I haven't flown in years but it sure did look like fun!

  2. Great pics. Sally and I made it to the upper site last year. Quite a view of the gathering from there, as I remember. wishing all of you fun times and great weather.

    1. We may try for the upper one tomorrow or maybe go into town to see the Oliver trailer display. Hope you're surviving the weather.

  3. Great pictures...we have enjoyed having you and BJ as neighbors. Great fun spinning tales around the campfire and LOVED BJ's tortilla soup!

    1. It has been lots of fun getting to know you guys better!
