Monday, November 25, 2013

Giving Thanks

My ongoing scanning project has been very introspective, bringing back memories of a wonderful childhood.

IMGA (246)IMGA (3524)
I’m thankful for my parents, one born on a farm, and the other a “city” (albeit very small cities) girl.
IMGF (1935)
They worked and played together, raising a family of four who seemed totally unable to all smile and look in the same direction at the same time.

IMGA (5711) Easter '60 est

I'm thankful for my siblings who’ve added so much to my life -

IMGF (2295)IMGF (2649)IMGF (3255) Steve 1st Day School '62

IMGF (2357)
I'm thankful that I grew up on a farm where I learned responsibility and discovered that it's really hard to water the calves in the winter if you didn't bother to drain the hose the night before!

IMGF (1589)IMGF (1467)I'm thankful for parents who made time to take us camping and hiking like this trip to the Morvitz "ranch" south of Mount Baker,

IMGF (4820) Mt Baker John David Steve Milton Sum '69IMGF (4763) Easter '70 Mt. Baker Jack DeGode John Mike Price
that Dad made time to take us on a more significant hike during his busy season, and that they trusted me to join several high school friends on a springtime hike to a fire lookout near Mt. Baker.

IMGA (5667) BJ & John Jan'72I’m especially thankful for my beautiful wife who puts up with me and has for over 40 years. Together we have two wonderful children

IMGF (5656) Christmas '74IMGF (946)who sometime play nice together

Spencer2and a grandson who ends up in the penalty box once in awhile.

I'm thankful, too, for all my friends who are feeling lucky they weren't included in this post!

I’ve been so blessed!


  1. Lots of memories coming this next week with our daughter's wedding. :-)

  2. ... and even more to be thankful for. congratulations to Kelli and to you both as well!!

  3. Sweet words from a sweet heart. Thanksgiving blessings to the Schroeder family.


    1. Thanks, Bunny. Nobody around here was willing to run a race today. Good job on your part!

  4. John, what a precious history you have. I loved seeing your photos and sharing little snippets of your journey. :)

    1. I have been truly blessed with family, experiences, and belief that has shaped my life. And, I must say I'm really enjoying the new friends via the blog. I hope you had a great day.

  5. Loved the old pictures...they look so much like our childhood poses. Also grateful to be raised in a family who camped.
    Those are the most precious memories!

    We have boxes of photos. Are you using a regular printer that scans?

    1. Hi, Lynne! I ended up getting an Epson V600 scanner because of the large amounts of 2" and 135 film. It also handles 126 film but not as well. The photos scan fast, the film is slower going. I'm approaching 6800 items so far with one more box of Mom's to go before I can even think of our own stuff.

  6. What an ambitious project! Thanks for the info.

    1. BTW, I also have a Canon scanner that is physically smaller and powered off the USB connection to my laptop which works great in the trailer but it only does photos & docs - no film.

  7. Love the photos...oh how wonderful to look back and feel those warm memories!!! I am also thankful for parents that loved each other as well as my brother and I. Good, honest folks that loved their family. They didn't do much camping though but I am thankful that this love came into my life via my sweet husband.
    Congratulations on your daughters wedding!!

    1. As I think back it didn't seem like we did that much camping but camping, Christmas, and Easter were clearly considered photo ops for which I am now thankful.

  8. Great post, as usual. Don't know how I missed it earlier in the week. Just as Lynne said, those pics could have been of my family, also. It's amazing how those pictures from the fifties and sixties all look alike. Those were the days, my friend.:-) Hope you have a great Thanksgiving with family on Sunday, and the wedding goes off without a hitch.

    1. The turkey is in the can and family is starting to gather. Turkey should be done in about hour & half.

      Glad you're enjoying the pics. There really is something special about 50s and 60s picture that brings back great memories.
