
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hatcher Pass - Finally!

It took three tries, but we finally got a chance to drive the Hatcher Pass road just a couple days before departing Eagle River for the last time on this trip. The road is a 50 mile route linking the Glenn Highway to the Parks Highway, complete with about 20 miles of narrow gravel & steep grades with signs logically discouraging trailers and RVs. The mountains were covered with green!

On the east side of the pass is the Independence Mine which we visited before the pass opened. There are many more mines on the west side of the summit.

Summit Lake still had some fireweed decorating the shoreline.

In addition to at least two large mining operations with modern buildings and equipment, there were some that looked abandoned as well.  I think this is the War Baby mine.

Perhaps the highlight of the day for me was this classic, abandoned, Alaska 'cabin' near the shores of Willow Creek. It appears to be used for target practice now.

We drove slightly more miles in Alaska (5800+) than we did getting to Alaska (5300+), but about 3400 of the Alaska miles were without the trailer. Google tells me we'll add at least 3800 more on the way home.


  1. Nice to see the fireweed again....miss it.

    Is blogger behaving for you?
    Guess my problem fixed itself.

    1. I haven't had any issues with Blogger... The fireweed is rapidly disappearing. We're in Tok as I write this, expecting to get somewhere southeast of Beaver Creek this afternoon. Frost heaves, here we come!

  2. The bus reminds me of the book "Into the Wild." :)

    The green mountain surprised me.

    1. My thoughts exactly about the bus. The whole state is green!
