Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 10 – Eagle River departure

After 27 days of driveway surfing at our son’s house, we’re finally back on the road. This morning we said our good-byes to the grandson, our son & daughter-in-law, and her Aunt who arrived for a short visit last night. For most of the last week, the morning weather has been Seattle-like with gray skies and light rain. This morning it decided to send us off with heavier rain.

The rain continued until we got to Eureka (seriously!) when the sun broke through and we started getting cloud definition. All the turnouts and gravel pits were parked nearly full

including this “tent camper.” Almost all of the wheelers were gone with very few people in camp.

We finally spotted a truck that provided what seems like a reasonable theory. It must be the beginning of moose season

although this mom and the young ‘un standing behind her apparently didn’t get the memo, standing right along the road less than 4 miles from the previous picture.

Home for the night is the rest area at MP24 on the Tok-Cutoff, giving time to do Turk’s daily afternoon warm compress and wound cleaning.

This was sent via our Millenicom hotspot while we were in Tok, Alaska for a fuel stop. For the next ten days  while transiting Canada, posts will be dependent on locating available public wi-fi sources.


  1. Glad you are finally back on the road. Loved the tent camper. Someone definitely wanted to get up off the ground. :)

    My late friend who lived in Fairbanks always had a freezer full of moose meat each winter. I enjoyed being reminded of him.

    Best wishes to little Turk.

    1. The trip south is going well and Turk seems to improve every day.

  2. We really are enjoying it, even if we're headed towards hot weather!
