
Monday, April 22, 2013

Bridges and Beaches - 4/22/2013

I've long had a "thing" about lighthouses. Last night's stop was within view of the lighthouse at Crescent City so I had to try to get a shot at sunset. Unfortunately, the sunset was about 30 degrees to the right of the lighthouse.

Some of the highway bridges are now classified historic structures and sport some nice art deco design. The bridge in Gold Beach, Oregon has two of these portals at each end.

I think this bridge was in North Bend, but I could be wrong.

This bridge was going for the rusty look. The rails that ran over this bridge weren't getting lots of use either.

We stopped for lunch at the Coquille River lighthouse near Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon, Oregon. This lighthouse looks very different from any of the others along the Oregon coast.

The wind was blowing

and waves were rolling in.

The sun was shining but we were chilly. The Scotch Broom seemed to find the climate ideal.

Home for tonight is the northwest corner of Valley River Center in Eugene. The mall here has a very good process for accommodating overnight parking.


  1. Looking forward to your further adventures as you head north. Appreciate your blogging about it. It's something we'd like to do, perhaps next year.

    1. Hope the blog will entice you to start planning your Alaska adventure!
