
Saturday, March 30, 2013

More Power

After a year of using a pair of 6 volt golf cart batteries to provide power for the Scamp, I decided the next move was to make it easier to do a fast charge on the battery pack. While the trailer has onboard charging capability, it is at a fairly low rate resulting in running the generator much longer than would otherwise be necessary.

Typically, we'd just attach an external higher rate charger directly to the battery posts, but in this case, the battery is somewhat buried behind the rock shield.

I cobbled up a couple posts to provide points to attach the charger clamps but didn't like the way they looked. I ended up using a set of "remote battery jumper terminals" from Amazon. They're larger than necessary, but come complete with color-coded covers.

Hiding under the covers are large brass posts serving as attach points for the battery charger cables. The connection to the battery is fused.

Someday we'll add solar, but for now we have More Power. Tim would approve.


  1. The colored caps are nice. Good post! (groan)
