
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thinking About Christmas

Christmas feels different this year. Perhaps it's because I'm not as busy and therefore thinking more about the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps it's because of the shock of multiple acts of violence in the last couple weeks. In any case, I've been thinking about the many people who are hurting as a direct and indirect result of two individuals who decided to inflict violence on others while ending their own lives.

I'm so thankful for our friends, scattered around the nation and the world. Many are involved in ministry - some in recognized roles, others ministering to the needs around them in ways that aren't always recognized. Each of our friends have been an influence in our lives, and for that I'm grateful.

Lemons, Limes, & Oranges
Unlike our youth when Christmas was signaled by cold weather and perhaps snow, the season is now signaled by the ripening citrus loading the trees in the backyard. This year, each tree seems to be carrying a bumper crop.

We were especially fortunate to have both of our kids with us for breakfast. Our son had an PHX overnight before headed back to Seattle & Anchorage this afternoon, complete with a bag of lemons. Our daughter joined us as well. First time in a long time that we've enjoyed a meal with just the four of us. We're looking forward to spending more time with them after the first of the year.

I trust that you each enjoy a blessed Christmas season and have a chance to share your joy with others.

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